GeneratePress Review 2022: Best WordPress Theme

GeneratePress Review 2022: Best WordPress Theme

GeneratePress Review 2022: Best WordPress Theme – Themes are one of the most important components of a site, no matter what platform you are using.

But in this article, I will focus on the WordPress platform (because uses WordPress).

WordPress has abundant theme support, be it from the core WordPress developers (Automattic) or from third-party developers.

Not only that, there are also various WordPress themes, some are free and some are paid.

If you’ve just built a blog, then there’s nothing wrong with using a free theme.

On the internet there are lots of free WordPress themes that are no less good than premium or paid themes.

And one of the free WordPress themes that I recommend is GeneratePress which you can download here .

By the way, also uses the GeneratePress theme.

Table of Contents

GeneratePress Review 2022: Best WordPress Theme Advantages of GeneratePress

  1. Light and Fast
  2. Compatibility with Other Plugins
  3. Modern Look
  4. Regular Updates
  5. Premium GP Plugins

GeneratePress Review 2022: Best WordPress Theme Advantages of GeneratePress Advantages of GeneratePress 1

  1. Light and Fast This is one of the main reasons why I use the GeneratePress theme, it is light and fast.

This is also what makes GeneratePress recommended by many bloggers and web developers in the world.

Websites using GeneratePress only have a 7.5kb page load, 2 HTTP requests and no dependencies.

Why is speed so important for a website?

Speed ​​is one factor that causes a visitor to feel at home visiting your website.

Please try to think as a web visitor, do you feel happy when visiting a web that is slow to load?

I sure don’t.

Vice versa, visitors will be happy to visit a website that is light to access.

In addition, site speed is also an important factor in Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

That’s also the reason why I finally used the GeneratePress theme, so that visitors feel comfortable when visiting our beloved technology site.

  1. Compatibility with Other Plugins You bloggers who use WordPress must be familiar with plugins, right?

Plugin is a piece of software that contains additional functionality that we can install on our WordPress site or blog.

Like themes, the plugins available for WordPress are also very plentiful, you can check out the WordPress Plugins page.

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