What Is Instagram Shadowban, Causes, And How To Solve It

What Is Instagram Shadowban, Causes, And How To Solve It

The term Instagram shadowban has become a trending topic, what does that term mean? Shadowban victims generally experience some negative changes to their Instagram accounts.

Table of Contents

What Is Instagram Shadowban, Causes, And How To Solve It

Understanding Instagram Shadowban

Features of Instagram Shadowban

  1. The Number Of Likes And Comments Dropped Drastically

  2. Number Of Followers Not Rising

Is it true that Instagram accounts are shadowbanned?

Cause Instagram Shadowban

  1. Using Instagram Banned Software

  2. Breaking Action Restrictions On Instagram

  3. Violating The Use Of Hashtags

  4. Account Get Reports Many Times

How to Overcome Shadowban?

  1. Remove All Forms Of Automation Software From Account

  2. Avoid And Remove Instagram Restricted Hashtags

  3. Take A Break From Instagram

  4. Don’t Use Growth Hacks

  5. Contact Instagram

What Is Instagram Shadowban, Causes, And How To Solve It

Maybe you’ve looked at your Instagram account and noticed the number of followers is decreasing? Or decreased engagement? Or even your new uploads don’t show up in explore Instagram? It could be a sign that your Instagram has been shadowbanned.

Have you ever heard of the ‘ time-out ‘ that Twitter imposes on accounts that post negative and abusive tweets? Well, this shadowban is not much different from what Twitter does.

Then, what to do if you become a victim of shadowban? How to get out of the block? Here’s the full explanation.

Understanding Instagram Shadowban

Generally, shadowban victims come from influencers. The Instagram account dagelan admits to losing several followers, an influencer mariakarinaa has also lost 60% of Story viewers.

This is certainly very detrimental to the victim, the victim’s business account can lose potential customers.

What’s more, the victim doesn’t even know that his account is ‘blocked’. Because no notification informs the account has been shadowbanned.

In short, Shadowban is Instagram’s move to block content that is shared by users unilaterally and is done secretly. In this case, if your account is shadowbanned, your post will not appear in explore Instagram.

Instagram shadowbans accounts that don’t comply with their rules and requirements. As a result, only you and your followers will be able to see the uploads, thus stopping the development of the account.

Features of Instagram Shadowban

You need to make sure whether your Instagram is being stunned or is experiencing a decline in engagement. To ensure this, you can pay attention to the following characteristics:

1. The Number Of Likes And Comments Dropped Drastically

Uploads of shadowban victims can only be seen by existing followers and account owners, automatically outsiders can’t see them. If your engagement rate drops drastically, there’s a chance that your account will be blocked.

2. Number Of Followers Not Rising

Has your account been without new followers for a long time? Though usually, the number of your followers continues to grow regularly. This can also be a feature of Instagram Shadowban.

Read More:- https://techjustify.com/what-is-instagram-shadowban-causes-how-to-solve